One of the things that kept me enormously active in my travels was a few specific types of Pranayama. You see, one rule I had set for myself was that - lethargy must not set in, through mental conflict or through physical exertion, the legs must keep moving and the senses must be alert - this cannot happen through only physical exercise or enthusiasm therefore a tool had to be used - the prana was that tool. Not that it isn’t there if you don’t utilise it however, if you know it, you can use it efficiently.
Prana is a huge word by itself, no it is not breathe however the English language can stretch only so far - culturally explaining it is complicated because it has so much subdivisions and translations but to simplify it, it is the third aspect of your system right after your physical body and your mind.
So - how did this happen? One of the most important aspects of your life is sleep, I generally wouldn’t agree with the 7-8 hours of sleep because if your system is activated in a particular manner, somehow the physiology will not let physical inertia to take over. My trip to Hampi led me to walk around, run and trek for two days straight because of the schedule, with less than 5 hours of sleep. This might seem like torture for an outsider but for someone who knows how to regulate aspects of his prana through his breathe, he can very well escape the monotony of rest.
Your right nostril and left nostril can not only tell you about your moods at the moment but also about how the physical system is performing and what efficiency. It’s strange how whenever one is in a particular kind of mood - anger, love, jealousy - he breathes differently and dominantly from a particular nostril, now if a mood can influence the breathing then the breathing can be used to influence the emotion as well - this is an important aspect of pranayama. Manipulation of the breathe in an articulate and controlled sense of awareness can lead you to construct a mood at will and almost diminish it at the same time - the same goes for physical lethargy. You will eventually notice that when both the nostrils are exhaling almost equal amounts of air, you are at your best.